April 13, 2022
What's New on the Ranch & River:
We are excited to announce that we have welcomed our employees for the 2022 season! Orientation is underway! We are delighted to be welcoming guests as of April 19th. Scroll down to meet the team, get a sneak-peak of some ranch improvements, and to get the latest on the Missouri River fishing report!

Meet the MRR team!
(From left-to-right, row-by-row)
General Manager: Jake Shelton; Front of House Supervisor: Trisha Foss
Executive Chef: Patrick Martinez; Sous Chef: Jodi Beavers
Head Housekeeper: Kendra McKewen; Summer Intern: Christen Smith
Steward & Fishing Expert: Dylan Foss; Bartender & Server: June Ashment

Fishing Update: The snow dance has produced! The ranch received nearly 24" of snow in 24 hours- a much needed shot of moisture that will aide in the longevity of this season. Flows are at 3,200 CFS, and the water temp is hanging at 39°F. Dry fly fishing tapered off with the variable weather, but expect BWO's to be present any day now! The minimal winds after the snow storm should produce some epic BWO and Midge action this week. (MRR Pro-tip: dry fly action tends to be better on weekdays, as fewer drift boats are disturbing the runs.) Nymph fishing offers more variety now, as BWO nymphs are in the mix. Pink scuds, sow bugs, and BWO patterns are all great options. As the river begins to warm up, anglers can transition from fishing deeper pools, to targeting structure. Streamer fishing and trout spey have been very effective. Anglers who are willing to move the fly have been rewarded with some excellent fish. Classic Olive & White woolybuggers have been getting the job done. From top-to-bottom, the river is fishing well. There's not a bad time or place to be on Mo'! One final note, rainbow trout are still spawning. Rainbows are the most prolific species in our waters, so anglers are taking extra measures to handle their catch carefully, and properly release the fish to keep stress to a minimum. Please do not fish to, or step on, a rainbow trout's redd (spawning bed). Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!

Missouri River Ranch