October 18, 2024
Mid-October has been picture perfect at the Missouri River Ranch! From incredible displays of the Northern Lights, to private upland hunting, great streamer fishing and wildlife sightings, this has been an October to remember! Flows are currently low at 2,800 CFS with water temperatures coming out of the dam at 55.9°F. Please be mindful of spawning brown trout this time of year.
Dry fly fishing is picking up. Great pockets of activity are possible with anglers finding success picking out heads. Smaller patterns have the ticket and most of the action has been in the second half of the day.
Nymphers have been picking up fish running short-leash rigs. This is a great time of year to hook into a number of our fired up trout. Try to be respectful of wade anglers and other boats. Plenty of water for everyone to share.
Streamer fishing continues to be great. Our trout are grabby and eating a wide assortment of streamer patterns. At these current flows, a floating line or sink tip is all you need. Get out there and move that fly!

Drop us a line, and we'll see you soon at the ranch!
Missouri River Ranch