September 27, 2023
Fly Fishing Update: A fish-pic heavy report as our clients have been finding incredible success on the river! The river is in beautiful shape and changing to gorgeous fall colors. Flows have dropped to 3,860 CFS and the water temps are sitting at 60°F. Dry fly fishing is productive but requires patience! Anglers are seeing large pseudo hatches that are bringing picky trout to the top. Hopper are still getting eats, but not to the degree they were a few weeks ago. Overcast days and evenings have brought excellent emerger action on the river. Nymphing continues to produce great numbers. Our guides have reported great success both shallow and deep- pick a method and stick with it. A purple weight fly with a small pheasant tail or soft hackle dropped off the back has worked well. Streamer fishing is almost in full gear! While anglers will have to vary their retrieve to find success, our trout continue to hit leech patterns and flashy bait fish with vigor. Whether stripping a single hand #6 wt. are swinging with your two-hander, this is a great time of year to streamer fish.

Drop us a line and we hope to see you soon!